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If your business is ready to start using AeroPay, it's time to follow the guide below so we can get you started.

Aeropay phone user
Estimated time: 5 minutes

Step 1: Terms

Review and sign Terms of Service, sent for digital signature.

What you'll need

Business name
Estimated time: 15 minutes

Step 2: Compliance

Complete our online Compliance and Registration Form.

Complete the form

What you'll need

EIN Number
Check “non-cannabis” and “CBD” on Page 2
Image of a voided check
Estimated time: 5 minutes

Step 3: Registration

Create your Aeropay account.

Create your account

What you'll need

Email to receive payment receipts
Shipping Address
Bank Information
All done!


You're all set! Your Customer Success Manager will reach out to confirm that your account has been approved. This may take 1-2 business days.

