Send B2C payouts directly to your users' bank accounts for cash rewards or withdrawals from your platform. Users just need to link their bank once to enable seamless payouts.
Use our API to develop an easy deposit and withdraw flow that works for your business, or use Aeropay to build a custom rewards program. Users simply link their banks, and can start receiving payouts directly into their account. Funds arrive on the next business day.
Build a custom solution for your business to enable a seamless withdrawal flow.
Boost loyalty by sending cash rewards directly to your customers' bank accounts.
Aeropay is trusted by thousands of banks, meaning your customers can easily link almost any account.
Send payouts to customers using our standard ACH processing. Send withdrawals or rewards directly to your customers' bank accounts.
Bank-to-bank payouts for merchants in qualifying industries that clear and settle instantly using the Real-Time Payment network. Funds settle instantly in your customers' bank accounts.
Easily track and manage payments in a dashboard customized for your business.
Aeropay uses ACH bank transfers to remain compliant, reliable, and secure payments solution ready to help.
Protecting people and payments is our top priority.
Payments you can rely on.
Seamless integrations to your tech stack.Technology and people work best when they work together.
Eliminate the risk in payments so you can focus on what you do best.