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Bank Linking

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I have already linked my bank, why am I being asked to re-connect my account?

There are several reasons Aerosync may prompt you to reconnect your bank, including changes to your bank login information, updates on your bank's security protocols, etc. Re-linking your account when prompted ensures a secure connection with your financial institution.

Why can’t I connect my savings account?

In order to ensure your payments have the highest chance of succeeding, only checking accounts are supported at this time.

Aerosync is directing me to a webpage outside of the app I’m using—what’s happening?

This redirection is a security measure. When you select your bank and click “Continue to [Bank Name],” you’re directed to a secure browser to enter your credentials on your bank’s site. This step is required by most large banks. After authentication, you'llbe returned to where you were.

I connected my bank, but my account isn’t showing up. What happened?

You may have revoked permission for your bank to share information with Aerosync. Check your Online Banking app to ensure you're still authorizing this. Look in the security section; for example, in the Chase app, go to More > Security and Privacy > Linked Apps and Websites to review your connections.

Can I connect my [mother/brother/partner’s] bank account?

Only bank accounts in your name can be connected.. Please refrain from connecting banks belonging to your family or friends.

I don’t remember my online banking credentials. How do I get connected?

You can visit your bank’s website or open their online banking app to reset your username and/or password.

Is this secure? I don’t want my bank information to get out.

Aerosync uses bank-level encryption to keep your credentials secure. Your information isn't stored or shared. During bank linking, you'll be redirected to a secure browser to enter your credentials on your bank's site.

I don’t see the name of my bank on the list - how do I get connected?

Aerosync connects to over 12,000 banks, with new ones added daily. If your bank isn’t listed, you can manually connect it using your account and routing numbers. Just select “Link Bank Manually” on the bank selection screen, enter your name, account number, and routing number, and you'll get instant confirmation once linked.

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